Domestic Credit Insurance

Products we Offer

Domestic Credit Insurance

At CredSure we offer three major cover options through which you can insure your vehicle

Loan Protection Insurance

Loan protection insurance covers debt payments on agreed indebtedness in respect of the insured being unable to settle their debts due to a defined peril. Such an event or peril may be sudden and unforeseen death, Incapacitation either temporary or of a permanent nature, involuntary retrenchment, early retirement due to ill health or other perils depending on the particular policy issued. This facility works well for banks, financial institutions and retail merchants who wish to protect their disbursements or sales against the risk of payment default. The policy usually runs for a period of twelve months with an option to renew subject to premium payment.

Added Benefits

In addition to the above products and services, CredSure also offers the following benefits which are carried out at no extra charge.
Need Help?


How can I seed my policy to the bank as collateral?

The Policy may be ceded to banks and financial institution as form of collateral for loans. Once a policy is running a Tripartite agreement is made between the bank and the insured with CredSure. The contract will stipulate its cover and limit of indemnification.

When is time to update my coverage?

It is important to update your cover when there are significant changes and events in your life. It is important to review and update son as to protect the most important things in ones’ life. These may include

  • Credit expansion
  • Changes in income
  • After buying a new car
  • After buying a new house
  • When starting a new business
  • When buying new properties for an existing business
What happens to my insurance if I stop paying?
You will not be covered.